How to register
In order to start the registration process for the conference and pay the registration fee of 120 euros (to be paid by each author also in the case of multi-authored contributions) please use the following link
At the end of the registration process, each author will receive a confirmation email with instructions on how to proceed with the payment, which will be made online through the website of Credit Agricole bank.
Please find attached a guide to the procedure (in Italian only).
Non-Italian participants, i.e. individuals without a fiscal position in Italy, shall pay by bank transfer.
These are the coordinates:
IBAN IT25L0623012700000038436533 – BIC/SWIFT code CRPPIT2P
Crédit Agricole Italia Spa – Agenzia di Parma – via Università, 1 – 43121 Parma
Should there be any difficulty in finalizing the procedure, please contact
Payment instructions (ITALIANO)