Scientific committee

Giampiero Bosoni
Politecnico di Milano
Architect, Full Professor of Interior Architecture and History of Design. He collaborated with Figini and Pollini, Vittorio Gregotti and Enzo Mari, with whom he developed an interest in the theory and history of design in the field of architecture and industrial design, in the field of architecture and industrial design.

Elisabetta Di Stefano
Universiy of Palermo
Associate Professor of Aesthetics. She is member of various aesthetics scientific societies and serves in the advisory board of various scientific journals. Her research focuses on the theory of the arts in the Renaissance; the ornament theory; the aesthetics of everyday life with special reference to architecture and design.

Gioia Laura Iannilli
University of Bologna
Assistant and Adjunct Professor of Aesthetics. She serves in the executive committee of the Italian Society of Aesthetics and the Experience Research Society, and in the editorial boards of several scientific journals and book series. Her areas of research are Experience Design, Everyday, and Pragmatist Aesthetics.

Giovanni Matteucci
University of Bologna
Full Professor of Contemporary Aesthetics. He is the president of the Italian Society of Aesthetics and editor in chief of “Studi di Estetica – Italian Journal of Aesthetics”. His research concerns the structures of aisthesis with reference to sense and form and the problems of the aestheticization.

Rita Messori
University of Parma
Associate Professor of Aesthetics. Her interests concern the link between aesthetics and the poetic-rhetoric tradition, and landscape aesthetics. She has widely published in Italian and French.

Raffaella Trocchianesi
Politecnico di Milano

Francesca Zanella
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Associate Professor of History of Contemporary Art. Member of the Scientific Committee of CSAC, Study Centre and Communication Archive, University of Parma, which she directed from 2015 to 2020. Since 2012 she has been a Member of the Scientific Committee of MoRE Museum of unrealized projects.